Sunday, February 10, 2013

Simplifying LASIK Basics – Part 3: Safety and Results

Is LASIK just a passing thought? Or, are you ready to jump in with both feet, so to speak? Either way, two of the first things to consider are safety and what types of results you can expect. Continued advancements make LASIK safer and more effective than ever before. Still, LASIK is surgery, and you owe it to yourself to choose a reputable doctor and practice, who, in turn, owe you a full disclosure – standard procedure at Eye Consultants of Texas. As the third in our Simplifying LASIK Basics series, here are a few highlights about what you should know.

How Safe Is LASIK? Any surgery comes with risks, and amazing advancements have proven LASIK to be one of the safest surgical procedures today. At Eye Consultants of Texas, we won’t perform LASIK if we determine a patient is at high risk, which, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), is low. Generally speaking, AAO suggests that 2% or less of all patients have complications or side effects; from discomfort or difficult vision (that usually disappears over time), to more extreme cases where it can last longer. A thorough, necessary examination can reveal potential risks, and determine if you’re a candidate for LASIK at all. If it turns out that you are not a candidate, there are other vision correction options you and your doctor can discuss.

What Types Of Results Can You Expect? If you’re a LASIK candidate, it must be medically verified that you can achieve a level of visual improvement that makes the surgery worth it in the first place. Everyone expects to see 20/20 without corrective eye wear, and a majority of patients achieve this. There are also cases where the result may be less than 20/20. This can depend on how severe your eyesight is prior to surgery, which you can discuss with your doctor. Our LASIK patients generally tell us that they can see better without glasses or contacts than with them before they had the procedure. Once again, your doctor should only perform LASIK if he or she honestly feels you really need it.

How Quickly Does Your Vision Improve? Most of our LASIK patients are amazed at how well they can see right after surgery. Vision should continually (and gradually) improve over the next few days, and continue to improve after that. The thing to remember: your eyes will need time to adjust and heal. There may be some mild “scratchiness” and discomfort right after surgery. This should go away, and prescribed medication will help with discomfort and healing. Necessary follow-up visits carefully monitor your progress, to ensure proper healing and that there are no complications.

Can You Ditch Glasses And Contacts Altogether? LASIK isn’t permanent, and, in some instances, glasses may be needed for reading or seeing up close. The natural aging of the eyes can also have an effect. So why have it in the first place? Most people who have LASIK can see a noticeable improvement in their vision for many years, with far less dependency on corrective eye wear for simple day-to-day tasks. Which can be life-changing if you’ve had to rely on glasses or contacts for most (or all) of your life! Here are a few things patients tell us, quoted from our Patient Experiences page on our website:

“No more fumbling for my glasses and bumping into furniture just to get to the bathroom in the morning. This has been the coolest part…Eye Consultants of Texas did a fantastic job and I could not be happier with the results.” 

“If I would have known how easy my life would be after LASIK, I would have had the surgery a long time ago! I had four pairs of glasses for different purposes; I probably spent $1,000 a year on eye care. Dr. Labor and his team were very patient with me and listened to all of my concerns.”

Until our next Simplifying LASIK Basics blog, if you’d like to know more about LASIK at Eye Consultants of Texas, please call our office in Grapevine at 877-516-4364, conveniently located to Dallas/Fort Worth.

This blog is a broad overview of LASIK surgery for general informational purposes only. In no way is it intended as actual medical advice. Safety and results are assessed as they apply to each specific patient. Always seek a medical or eye care professional for advisement based on your individual health and specific eye care needs. 




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