Friday, August 15, 2014

Do recovery times differ after LASIK surgery?

Our Fort Worth and Dallas LASIK patients come from varied backgrounds. They have different careers, and their own individual interests. But each patient’s eyes are even more unique. In fact, you may have heard “your eyes are like fingerprints.” You may also be familiar with “eye recognition” as a form of identity verification already in use.

Each of your eyes are uniquely complex and each patient’s needs can vary. In many ways this is why LASIK surgery recovery times can vary too. On average, most people see a significant improvement in their vision within the first 2 to 7 days. Generally, it can take between 3 to 6 months for vision to fully stabilize. But while each patient’s eyes are unique, there are post-surgery basics all patients should keep in mind that can help their recovery, for example:

Your eyes need time to heal. While the LASIK procedure is usually simple, quick, and painless, it is still surgery and each eye needs to heal and adjust.

Avoid rubbing your eyes. Discomfort, sensitivity to light, blurry or hazy vision and watery eyes are common right after surgery. These naturally make you want to rub your eyes, but this will gradually improve in the first few days. Plus, your doctor will likely prescribe a mild pain reliever to help.

Keep follow up appointments. These generally start at 24 to 48 hours after surgery and extend to regular appointments over a few months. During follow up, vision is tested and evaluated at various intervals. Typically, patients are told to avoid the following: non-contact sports 1 to 3 days after surgery; lotions, creams or make up around the eye for up to 2 weeks; strenuous contact sports for at least 4 weeks; and swimming or hot tubs for 1 to 2 months.

What else? LASIK continues to improve in safety and effectiveness, and post-surgery complications are rare when compared to patients without them. If considering LASIK, you should be thoroughly evaluated to make sure you’re a LASIK candidate. If not, ask your doctor about other effective alternatives. What’s more, your doctor should always be up front with you, look after your total health, and do everything possible to ensure optimum results and ease of recovery.

Recovery may vary depending on severity of eye condition, patient health, and other factors for patients found to be LASIK candidates. Always seek the advice of a board-certified eye doctor for information related to your particular condition.






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