Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get Checked! ADA Explains the Importance of Eye Exams for Diabetic Patients

The American Diabetes Association (ADA), an advocacy group for diabetes research and awareness, is a leading resource when it comes to diabetes information.  In a recent article, the ADA outlined some important eye care tips for those suffering from this far-too-common condition.  While some of these tips will be obvious to any diabetes patient—keep blood sugar levels in check, manage high blood pressure, etc.—one tip stood out as particularly important to me.  “See your eye care professional at least once a year for a dilated eye exam,” the ADA article suggests. “Having your regular doctor look at your eyes is not enough.”

So, why are eye exams so important for those living with diabetes?  The answer is simple.  Those with the condition are at an increased risk of developing eye diseases that can cause vision loss and blindness.  These conditions include cataracts and glaucoma.  Read on to learn a bit more about these serious eye conditions and how they’re treated today.

Common Eye Conditions Among Diabetes Patients

Diabetes patients are at higher risk for a host of different ailments, and eye conditions are no exception.  Here are two common and treatable eye conditions that are particularly common among those living with diabetes.

Those with diabetes are at higher risk for:

  • Cataracts: A cataract is characterized by a clouding of the eye’s lens.  Ultimately, this affects one’s ability to see clearly.  While cataracts are typically associated with aging, those with diabetes are particularly at risk.  For those who develop this condition, Cataract Surgery is often the best option.  During the procedure, your eye’s natural lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens, known as an Intraocular Lens (IOL).
  • Glaucoma: Essentially, glaucoma is a disease where the optic nerve becomes damaged, typically as a result of increased pressure in the eye.  Ultimately, this causes vision loss or even blindness.  Glaucoma Treatment is often achieved through the use of eye drops and medications.  In some cases, we treat the condition with lasers or surgery.  It’s important to remember that when it comes to glaucoma, early detection is key.  This is why those with diabetes need to be even more vigilant.  Make an appointment today.

Don’t Hesitate.  Schedule Your Eye Exam Today

Diabetic Eye Care is a must.  We encourage you to contact us today and schedule an Eye Exam.  Our offices are located in Winchester, serving Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Book your appointment at (540) 722-6200.


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