Sunday, March 2, 2014

You’re Invited — Share Your Ideas for Telling the Total Health Story

This post is part of a campaign to invite feedback and ideas that will help inform the next generation of content for exhibits at the Center for Total Health.

The story of health care is ever changing.  And today, we invite you to help us determine how we tell that story at the Center for Total Health.

As we keep pace with the changing times and update the exhibits at our center, we’d like your assistance with designing the most compelling, interactive content.  Over the next four blog posts, we’ll ask for your feedback on how to tell particular aspects of our story on Total Health.  We’ll start with the largest display at the center, our marquee interactive video wall that currently features the benefits of walking.  If you haven’t experienced the wall in person, a picture of the current content is below.

Our question for you is this:  If you were to design an interactive wall on the topic of Total Health, what would it look like?  A couple of ideas are included below, but don’t let that limit you.  Build on the ideas you see and hear from others.  Your suggestions may inspire how we design the next generation of content.

While there is no single definition of Total Health. one way we like to think of it is as the achievement of good health – and not just health care – for all. To help get you started, we’ve included a couple of ideas from our staff.  Feel free to add to these or propose new concepts.

Current Walking Wall at the Center for Total Health

Current Walking Wall at the Center for Total Health

An alternative scenario:  A Day in the Life of Total Health

  • 8 a.m.    Breakfast – content on nutrition/guidelines
  • 10 a.m.  Work – workplace health, successful programs
  • 1 p.m.    Farmer’s Markets – a healthy break at work, food deserts
  • 3 p.m.    Doctor’s Office – a look at electronic health records
  • 5 p.m.    The commute home – active transportation, walking
  • 7 p.m.    Dinner – Food insecurity, poverty, malnutrition, obesity
  • 8 p.m.    Sunset – emotional well being
  • 10 p.m.  Rest and Total Health checklist

Another alternative scenario:  Total Health Across America

Possible Concept for Marquee Interactive Video Wall

Possible Concept for Marquee Interactive Video Wall

Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section!


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