Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Avoiding Computer Vision Syndrome

We all tend to spend a lot of time staring at a computer monitor, whether it’s for school, work, or leisure. We stare at the screen for hours almost every day, which can cause our eyes to inevitably feel strained or dry. The eye problems caused by computer use are categorized together into one condition known as computer vision syndrome (CVS), which affects over 50-90% of office workers.

CVS is a repetitive stress injury, meaning it is caused and worsened by routine motions over time. Some of its symptoms include blurred vision, dryness, redness, double vision, eye irritation, headaches, and neck or back pain. People who already suffer from other eye conditions are more likely to develop CVS, especially if they are not using a proper eye prescription. Many other factors contribute to the development of CVS, such as age and the computer itself—the brightness, angle of the monitor, position in relation to you, etc.

Let’s keep reading to see how we can prevent CVS.

5 Ways to Avoid Computer Vision Syndrome

  1. Reposition the computer. The screen should be facing you, not off to the side where you have to strain your eyes more to see it. The monitor should be between 4-8 inches under your eyes to keep the neck relaxed, and should be kept an arms length away from you.
  2. Blink. Blinking frequently should help you reduce dryness in your eyes. Another option for increasing moisture is the use of lubricating eye drops or a humidifier. Steer away from air vents, as those can help to further dry out the eye.
  3. Lighting. The lighting might be hurting your eyes as well. To check whether it is playing a part in your eye strain, cup your hands over your eyes like the cap of a baseball hat and observe whether your eyes feel better or not. If they do, you know you have to adjust the lighting to something more comfortable.
  4. Breaks. About every 15 minute while on the computer, you should take a small break and look anywhere but the screen. You can stand, stretch, or just stay in your seat looking away to give your eyes a good break.
  5. Regular check-ups. You may need a new or different prescription without even knowing it. Although you should get regular eye doctor visits anyway, your medical professional can help you prevent and treat CVS and many other harmful eye conditions.

Ophthalmologist in Winchester

Have any questions about computer vision syndrome or any other eye problems? Contact us today to schedule an appointment at our offices in Winchester. We serve Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland, and can be reached at (540) 722-6200. We look forward to serving you!


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