Thursday, October 31, 2013

What is Natural Cycle IVF?

Conventional IVF Today’s conventional IVF is ‘stimulated’ – drugs are used to prompt the woman’s ovaries to produce several eggs, rather than just one. The eggs are mixed with her partner’s or a donor’s sperm to become fertilised. Women take a course of ovarian-suppression hormones to shut down their menstrual cycle to control ovulation. Then [...]


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Innovator Spotlight: AchieveMint’s Mikki Nasch

Mikki Nasch, CEO of AchieveMint

Mikki Nasch, CEO of AchieveMint

This week in our spotlight series on innovators, we interviewed Mikki Nasch, CEO of AchieveMint.

Nasch has more than 20 years experience in technology startups and growth, and a particular expertise in mobile health. She leads AchieveMint, a platform to encourage and support healthy activity and behavior. AchieveMint also aggregates data to drive recommendations for new applications and activities that are helping users get and stay healthier. The more data you log, the more you will learn. Our interview with Nasch is below.

CTH Blog:
First, please tell us a little about yourself and why you became interested in health and technology.

For most of my career I’ve worked with technology companies and I’ve seen amazing improvements technology can bring. As a nation, we are getting more and more unhealthy. AchieveMint is a way to harness the power of technology to help people get healthier in a positive way; we have mastered influence in marketing to get people to buy what we would like them to buy, focusing all of those smarts on the healthcare challenge will move the needle.

CTH Blog:
Being an entrepreneur must be very rewarding and exciting, but also quite challenging. What is the passion that drives you?

Our nation is on a health decline.  Obesity, disease and chronic pain are all on the rise.  This makes our mission so important — being able to focus all of our experience in the marketing world to solve a meaningful problem really fulfills me. We have proved that this positive support toward health goals helps people achieve them faster and stay committed. That’s what drives me.

CTH Blog:
How did you get into your current field? How long have you been working for this company?

I’ve been working in high technology startups for much of my career. I wanted the opportunity to use technology to help people get healthier. In 2008 I began working in health with Diabetes, and learned that, with a little help, we could massively improve people’s quality of life, and we began designing the system that would be able to facilitate that.  It all goes back to the AchieveMint mission of rewarding people for getting healthier.  You can check out our website at

CTH Blog:
What do you think is the most exciting innovation or trend happening in health care right now?

We are at the beginning of what promises to be a disruption in healthcare. Consumers are just getting the opportunity to learn from their own health data, and I see that expanding. Consumers are also being given the opportunity to engage in their health for financial benefits from insurers, giving them more reason to care.

What an empowered consumer could mean to the industry as a whole will be defined over the next few years, but it will not be business as usual. What we are doing is crowdsourcing the data to drive recommendations; AchieveMint users get recommendations about what else they could be doing to improve their health.  This is a microcosm of what will be happening across the board in the coming years on a massive scale.

It’s individualized and data driven. That’s exciting.

CTH Blog:
Describe your vision of the future of health or health care.

I see a future where individuals have evidenced-based data to help them be healthier; where the consumer understands his or her responsibility in improving outcomes, and where the whole community joins in the common goal of improved outcomes.

CTH Blog:
At Kaiser Permanente, we think of “total health” as a combination of mind, body and spirit. What does total health mean to you?

We agree that it’s a combination of mind, body and spirit, but you also have to add social.  How the combination works is nuanced for every individual, and changes much like the seasons – services need to be attuned to understanding the nuance, and be able to adjust.

Please note that Kaiser Permanente does not endorse the organizations or products featured in these discussions.



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Finger Thoracostomy and Pneumothorax


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Stephanie Sears – Nutritional Therapist

At Abundant Health Center, LLC we are pleased to introduce Stephanie Sears, NTP as our resident Nutritional Therapist. Here is more information on Stephanie and her work.

Stephanie Sears


As a Certified Nutritional Therapist I can help you on your path to optimum health.

I have had bad allergies my entire life. When I learned that by changing my diet and eliminating certain foods I could feel as though I never had allergies.

While researching all of the ways to cure allergies naturally, I came across many simple explanations that linked the allergic symptoms I was experiencing (and many other health issues) to the food we put into our bodies. Once I cleaned up my diet it immediately cleared up my allergy symptoms. Then many of my digestive problems also started to disappear.

On this journey I became increasingly interested in how our bodies work and how important it is to eat clean, nourishing foods. I began to realize how many people endure life feeling sick and take pills that only hide the problems. Then I found a way that I could start to help other people feel better, I found the Nutritional Therapy Association. 


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Severe endometriosis – successful Natural IVF

Abigail was a 36 year old when she came to us, she had severe endometriosis and she was not able to undergo ovarian stimulation because she suffered from extreme pelvic pain with ovulation and ovarian stimulation could make her endometriosis worse. Her husband’s sperm was normal. She had damaged tubes and needed IVF to help [...]


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Vampire protocol


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Measles in Pakistan – make sure you are immunised

Pakistan is one of the top five countries in the world having the highest proportion of children who have not been vaccinated against measles. With this amount of infection in the country, travellers to Pakistan (and in particular Punjab & Sindh), should make sure they are immune to this serious disease. Already in 2013 there have been over 25,000 reported cases, and nearly 150 children have died in Pakistan from this completely preventable disease.

Childhood infection confers lifelong immunity – those who may not be immune should have a total of two doses of MMR vaccine.

Source: The Express Tribune

Get in touch
Going to visit family in Pakistan? Make sure the whole family is safe before you go – contact the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323


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Flu Season 2013

*DISCLAIMER*  The information presented in this blog post is not meant to be construed as having been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.), the Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C.) or any other government entity in existence.  Nothing written in this post is meant to be intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.  If you are experiening a medical emergency please call 911.  As always, please check with your medical provider or health care advisor before starting any diet, supplementation, or exercise regimine.

FLU SEASON 2013 – Nation Hit Hard By Influenza – Major Flu Outbreak Grips Nation

Every year, just after Thanksgiving to just before Valentine’s Day we are constantly bombarded with the above mentioned headlines. Every year we see news reports about shortages of the flu vaccine and we are told that this will be the worst year yet for people being susceptible to Influenza.

Let’s take a moment to logically examine how these headlines are repeated year after year.  What happens at the end of November?  Thanksgiving.  What do we do at Thanksgiving?  Well, if you’re like most people you have two (maybe even three) Thanksgiving dinners that you have to celebrate.  Usually you and your spouse go spend time with your family. Then the next day you spend a few hours driving across the state to go celebrate Thanksgiving with your spouses family. Sometimes you spend an extra Thanksgiving with close friends.  We all know what happens at Thanksgiving…we eat, eat, eat…loosen a notch on our belts, take a breather and go back to the kitchen to eat more.  Then we sit down to have an adult beverage or two (or three) while we watch sports with friends and loved ones.

After Thanksgiving we are still gorging on leftovers for two to three days.  Then the Christmas parties start.  Cookies, cakes, rum balls, sugar, sugar, and more sugar.  Plus, the two (or three) adult beverages just to be sociable.

Finally Christmas arrives.  This includes more food, more desserts, and more drinks. Usually you have two Christmases to attend (just like Thanksgiving).  At Christmas it seems that you encounter the cousin (and his wife) that you can’t stand (by the way, they don’t care too much for you either).  Then Grandma thinks that Uncle Joe is being hard on Billy. Uncle Joe wants Billy to be more like his sister Julie.  The stress builds up and to deal with the stress you eat more (because sometimes you’re an emotional eater) and you drink a little bit more (hey, it helps calm your nerves).

To reward yourself you decide to have a New Years Eve blowout extravaganza.  More food, more snacks, and A LOT more drinks.  You’ve already scheduled yourself off for January 2nd as January 1st happened during the middle of the week and you know that you’re going to be a little too exhausted to make it into work.  January 2nd you get yourself going with a couple of Bloody Mary’s (a little ‘hair of the dog’ never hurt anyone).  You start looking over your New Years Resolutions and you’re ready to conquer the world on January 3rd.  You’re on track with your resolutions for one week and then BOOM!!!  You’ve got The Flu!!!

You curse the flu.  How could this happen to me?  Why did this happen to me?!?  You’re sick, tired, and mad.  Darn you flu!

Whoa, wait a minute.  It’s not the flu’s fault.  It’s your fault.  Look at what you did to your body for the last 6 weeks. You’ve abused it.  You ate too much sugar, drank too much alcohol, been stressed out of your mind and then you ate even more.  It’s been shown that sugar, alcohol, and stress all lower the defenses of your immune system and make your body more susceptible to illness.

Your “inner terrain” was compromised.  Germs, “bugs”, and viruses are around us everyday.  It’s when our bodies become toxic and polluted from the overload of cookies, cakes, beer, wine, and mixed drinks that our immune system can’t work at optimal potential.

Let me be clear, I’m not telling you to not get a flu shot.  I am suggesting that you examine your dietary choices and how you handle stress.  I do believe that you can offer your body supplements that can help support your immune system.  One of those products is A.D.P.


A.D.P. is a standardized extract of the oil of oregano, emulsified in a sustained release form.  My wife, Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., is a Doctor of Chiropractic, and she comes in contact with many patients during the Winter who are suffering from severe colds and flu.  She takes her A.D.P. to boost her immune system and she never “catches” the cold or flu from her patients.  (A.D.P. Is NOT recommended for pregnant or lactating women.)

I know that might sound like a little bit of “hype” to you.  I apologize if it does.  Here is an unsolicited testimonial from one of our clients, “CouchSurfing” Ori Bengal.

"CouchSurfing" Ori Bengal - Creator of 'Make WordPress Easy'

“CouchSurfing” Ori Bengal – Creator of ‘Make WordPress Easy’

“I have seen A.D.P. bring people back from the verge of turning into a full blown “flu zombie”. A.D.P. is the secret weapon that I use for myself, my family, and my friends to fend off against colds, the flu, and even the dreaded “airplane flu”. When I travel I don’t have time to get sick, that’s why I always carry A.D.P. in my luggage.”

Please remember during this time of year to take the extra time to be aware of your diet and stress.  You can only do good for your body by reducing the amount of sugar and alcohol that you put into your body.  For more information on “cleaning your inner terrain” and naturally boosting your immune system I suggest following the work of, Dr. Robert O. Young.  Here are links to two of his best selling books, “Sick and Tired” and “The PH Miracle”.

Sick and Tired

The PH Miracle

Here’s wishing you and yours all the best for a healthy 2013!

G.E. Moon II


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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Our new Mobile App is up and running

The Eye Consultants of Texas mobile app is officially live. As a practice that prides itself on using the latest technology, we felt it was definitely time to offer this to our patients across Dallas/Fort Worth. A custom Eye Consultants of Texas App has been created for Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices. All are available for free download at both App stores (see links below).

The new mobile app includes helpful information about us, our services, and contact information similar to our main website. There’s also a “Fan Wall” to post feedback and comments, a link to upcoming events, and a map of shopping and attractions near our office. There’s even a link for making appointments right from your Smartphone, and we’ve included a “Coupons” link to view special offers we’ll be posting from time to time.

In fact, to introduce you to our new mobile app, we’re offering $150 off LASIK for anyone who downloads our new App. Here’s how it works. Once the App is downloaded, simply click on “Coupons” to view and redeem your offer. The offer will be on our mobile site for a limited time. But once you redeem it, it’s yours to use whenever you decide to make an appointment.

We’ll continue to expand and improve our new mobile app to be a useful tool for our current and future patients. We encourage you to give it a try,   and encourage you to post a comment on our Fan Wall to help us make it better than ever. If you have any questions, feel free to call our office in Grapevine at 877-516-4364, or email

Here are direct links to the new Eye Consultants of Texas App:

For Apple Products 
For Android Products


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Dr. Labor Voted Best Ophthalmologist in Reader’s Poll

Eye Consultants of Texas founder Phillips Kirk Labor, MD was voted top Ophthalmologist in 2013 for Northeast Tarrant County by the readers of Living Magazine. Print and online voting was conducted over several months beginning in February 2013, and announced just recently. According to Living Magazine’s data from issues mailed, its Northeast Tarrant County audience extends to Southlake, Grapevine, Colleyville, Westlake, Trophy Club, North Richland Hills, Roanoke, Rockwall and Rowlett. The magazine states that approximately 80,000 issues are mailed to this area each month.

“I first want to thank the readers of Living Magazine for this honor. I cherish any recognition that singles me out, but it’s also a compliment to my amazing staff,” Dr. Labor said. “The honor is made even more special by the fact that readers are more likely patients – either those I’ve treated or who voted for me on reputation.”

This isn’t the first time Dr. Labor has been recognized in local publications. He has been voted a Top Doc in Fort Worth and Tarrant County by Fort Worth, Texas magazine, and voted “#1 Favorite Ophthalmologist” in 2010 and 2011 in a Star Community Newspapers Readers‘ Choice Awards survey. He has also been voted a top Ophthalmologist by the Consumers’ Research Council of America, which conducts unbiased research of professional services offered across the U.S.



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Dry Eyes in the Winter Months

The cold dry air that is common in the winter months can have adverse effects on the moisture in your eyes.  But what many people may not realize is that your eyes can become just as dry while trying to keep warm inside.  The heat produced in our homes is a very common cause of not only dry skin, but dry eyes as well.  By taking a few simple precautions — both inside and outside — you can ensure that dry and itchy eyes are avoided.  In most cases, dry eyes are caused by the quick evaporation of moisture from our tear ducts.  In dry weather, hot or cold, this can occur quickly and cause itching and dryness that is very uncomfortable.

Take Steps to Keep your Eyes Moist

Artificial Tears – Using artificial tears as directed can help keep your eyes moist when your tear ducts may not be able to keep up with the dryness of the air.
Sunglasses – Wearing sunglasses when out in the cold weather can shield them from direct contact with the cold dry air particularly when it is windy.
Humidifiers – When indoors, use a humidifier to make the environment less dry.  Indoor heat can dry the air, making your natural moisture dry up faster than usual.
Cut down on coffee – Qe already drink more warm liquids during the winter months in order to warm up, but coffee is a mild diuretic that can cause dryness in your eyes and skin.  Monitoring your coffee consumption may aid in keeping your eyes more moist.

By making sure that your eyes are moist at all times, you can experience less discomfort while both inside and outside during the winter.

Do you have more questions?

If you feel you’re experiencing Chronic Dry Eye, and would like more information on treatment, we encourage you to contact us today.  Dry eye is a common condition especially in the colder seasons, and we can work together to find the best treatment options for you.  Our offices are located in Winchester, serving Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland.  We can be reached at (540) 722-6200.  Call today to make an appointment.


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The Value of Being an Engaged Patient

It’s easy to wonder, especially when we are sick or dealing with a health issue, if we are doing all we can to be our own best health advocate.

This Thursday, U.S. News and World Report will host a TweetChat about patient engagement featuring Kaiser Permanente physician Ted Eytan, MD.

Dr. Eytan (@tedeytan on Twitter), physician director here at the Center for Total Health for The Permanente Federation, will join a panel of experts to talk about a patient’s role in his or her own hospital and health experience. Panelists will discuss how patients can empower themselves to remain informed and engaged in their treatment.

Expected topics include patient empowerment regarding electronic health records, having candid conversations with one’s doctor, knowing how to maximize medical appointments, and knowing what questions to ask.

The TweetChat will take place Thursday, July 25, from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern time (11 a.m. to noon Pacific). Follow the hashtag #PatientChat to participate in the conversation.


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The importance of pre-surgery testing

Achieving optimal eye surgery results can often come down to identifying the tiniest detail, which can mean a greater improvement in a LASIK or cataract patient’s vision. This is why Eye Consultants of Texas performs some of the most extensive patient testing in Dallas/Fort Worth, using the most advanced technology available.

Here are some examples of the type of pre-surgery tests we perform:

• To evaluate the surface and curvature of the cornea.
• To determine the power of an intraocular lens implant (IOL).
• To determine the precision of IOL measurements.
• To determine if macular degeneration is present.
• For aberrations (abnormalities) in the eye’s lens.
• Visual outcomes analysis.

There are other tests we perform, and which tests are required depends on the patient’s vision problem, health and type of surgery. Testing is individualized for each patient, and we take the time to ensure there are no other conditions that could compromise surgery results, or put our patient at risk.

The bottom line, of course, is to have the most accurate information in order to achieve the clearest vision possible. This means putting the patient’s health and wellbeing first, and going above and beyond in every way. Our pre-surgery testing is no different. To learn more please call us in Grapevine at 877-516-4364, convenient to Dallas/Fort Worth.


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Dengue fever in Mombassa, Kenya (and in Angola)

An outbreak of dengue fever has been reported in Mombassa, Kenya, and in Angola. This is the first confirmed outbreak in Mombassa since 1982, and dengue is unusual in Africa, although common in Asia. To reduce your chances of becoming a dengue fever victim, consider covering up towards the late afternoon, when the mosquitoes bite, and apply a good insect repellent to exposed areas of skin.

Source: ProMed Newsgroup

Get in touch
For advice, call the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323


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Blackwater Tactical Weekly: Malaria Article


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Fertility – a much wider issue

When people are broached with the subject of fertility, one often associates it is to an individual family’s desire to have children. However, as Professor Nargund expresses in her paper “Declining birth rate in Developed Countries: A radical re-think is required”, the subject touches society much more widely as a whole for both the developed [...]


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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dr. Labor Voted Best Ophthalmologist in Reader’s Poll

Eye Consultants of Texas founder Phillips Kirk Labor, MD was voted top Ophthalmologist in 2013 for Northeast Tarrant County by the readers of Living Magazine. Print and online voting was conducted over several months beginning in February 2013, and announced just recently. According to Living Magazine’s data from issues mailed, its Northeast Tarrant County audience extends to Southlake, Grapevine, Colleyville, Westlake, Trophy Club, North Richland Hills, Roanoke, Rockwall and Rowlett. The magazine states that approximately 80,000 issues are mailed to this area each month.

“I first want to thank the readers of Living Magazine for this honor. I cherish any recognition that singles me out, but it’s also a compliment to my amazing staff,” Dr. Labor said. “The honor is made even more special by the fact that readers are more likely patients – either those I’ve treated or who voted for me on reputation.”

This isn’t the first time Dr. Labor has been recognized in local publications. He has been voted a Top Doc in Fort Worth and Tarrant County by Fort Worth, Texas magazine, and voted “#1 Favorite Ophthalmologist” in 2010 and 2011 in a Star Community Newspapers Readers‘ Choice Awards survey. He has also been voted a top Ophthalmologist by the Consumers’ Research Council of America, which conducts unbiased research of professional services offered across the U.S.



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Enhance Your Eyelashes with Latisse™ Today

The first and only eyelash treatment approved by the FDA, Latisse™ can help you grow full and natural-looking lashes while simultaneously treating you for hypotrichosis, a condition that prevents hair growth. Latisse is a great way to reverse the effects of this condition and enhance the look of your eyes, requiring only a simple application each night. After a few weeks, your lashes will be fuller, longer, and thicker than you’ve ever seen them. Ready to learn more about what Latisse can do for you?

5 Need-to-Know Latisse™ Facts

  1. Latisse contains an active ingredient known as bimatoprost, which was first used in glaucoma medication and is believed to promote hair growth.
  2. The medication does not work as mascara; in fact, you should remove any make-up or contacts before applying it to the base of your eyelashes each day. You should never use the same applicator for both eyes, and never re-use an applicator for even one more night, as this could result in an allergic reaction or eye infection.
  3. Results will start to become visible after 4 weeks, with full results manifesting by 16 weeks. Lashes will gradually grow darker, longer, and thicker.
  4. Side effects are rare, but may include itching, redness, or dryness in the eye area. Other potential side effects include eyelid darkening or brown pigmentation of the iris, both of which are very rare occurrences.
  5. Through a series of studies, the FDA has deemed Latisse as safe for most people. However, patients with pre-existing eye problems and women who are pregnant or nursing should avoid this treatment. Patients who are taking any kind of intraocular pressure lowering medications should consult their eye doctor before taking Latisse, so that he or she can closely monitor the patient’s eye pressure.

Ophthalmologist in Winchester

If you’re curious about Latisse™, and would like to learn more about this eyelash enhancing medication, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our offices are located in Winchester, serving Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland.  We can be reached at (540) 722-6200.  We look forward to hearing from you!


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Power to the people: Patient in command


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Special Operations Medicine Journal


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Increasing malaria in Greece

Malaria cases in Greece are increasing each summer, and whilst most of the cases are occurring in the more rural parts of the country away from the main tourist areas, travellers should be aware of the situation. There is not enough malaria present to warrant taking anti-malarial medication, but travellers to affected areas should sleep in air-conditioned rooms or under treated mosquito nets, and should cover up when out during the hours of dusk & darkness. An effective insect repellent should be used on exposed areas. Any fever occurring up to a year after visiting a country with malaria should be taken seriously, and medical help should be sought – don’t forget to mention that you have visited a malaria endemic country.

Source: Center for Disease Control (USA)

Get in touch
Holidaying in Europe? Make sure, take expert advice. Call the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323


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The importance of pre-surgery testing

Achieving optimal eye surgery results can often come down to identifying the tiniest detail, which can mean a greater improvement in a LASIK or cataract patient’s vision. This is why Eye Consultants of Texas performs some of the most extensive patient testing in Dallas/Fort Worth, using the most advanced technology available.

Here are some examples of the type of pre-surgery tests we perform:

• To evaluate the surface and curvature of the cornea.
• To determine the power of an intraocular lens implant (IOL).
• To determine the precision of IOL measurements.
• To determine if macular degeneration is present.
• For aberrations (abnormalities) in the eye’s lens.
• Visual outcomes analysis.

There are other tests we perform, and which tests are required depends on the patient’s vision problem, health and type of surgery. Testing is individualized for each patient, and we take the time to ensure there are no other conditions that could compromise surgery results, or put our patient at risk.

The bottom line, of course, is to have the most accurate information in order to achieve the clearest vision possible. This means putting the patient’s health and wellbeing first, and going above and beyond in every way. Our pre-surgery testing is no different. To learn more please call us in Grapevine at 877-516-4364, convenient to Dallas/Fort Worth.


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Major outbreak of Typhoid in Malawi

There have been 30,000 confirmed cases of typhoid fever each month so far this year at Malawi’s central hospital. This disease is spread by food or water contaminated with typhoid organisms (often as a result of inadequate handwashing by the cook or consumer).

Travellers should take care to with hand hygiene and source food or drink from clean and reputable establishments. Drink only water that is pure, and use it to clean the teeth as well.
There is a worldwide shortage of typhoid vaccine at present, and those travelling to areas where clean water is unobtainable should do their best to obtain the vaccine before travel.

Source: ProMed Newsgroup

Get in touch
For advice, call the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323


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Are You Turned On?

Are you turned on?…electrically speaking, that is…and I’m not refering to Timothy Leary’s, “Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out.” 

The other day we talked about how we are electrical beings and that from time to time we need to “ground” ourselves and release some of the static electricity that is built up in our bodies.  I had a couple of people tell me that this is done all the time throughout most of Europe.  I also had a few people who wanted to see learn more about how our bodies operate on an electrical current.

If you’re one of our readers who would like a visual of the body producing electricity in action then this video is for you.

What you are viewing is a group of  four people holding hands and two of the people are holding “hands” with a Ring Around The Rosie Doll.  On each of the dolls hands is a small metal button.  When both of these buttons are touched with bare skin the doll begins to sing.  You will notice in the video that there are a couple of times that the participants let go of the hand of one of their partners…once they do this the doll stops singing.  Once they hold hands again the doll starts to sing.  The doll sings because of the electricity being produced by each participant. 

Remember, you are an electrical being…do something good for yourself to recharge your batteries…a nice walk around the block in the evening air is always a simple (and free) thing that you can do to bring in more good energy and release the bad. 

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II


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Monday, October 28, 2013

The Value of Being an Engaged Patient

It’s easy to wonder, especially when we are sick or dealing with a health issue, if we are doing all we can to be our own best health advocate.

This Thursday, U.S. News and World Report will host a TweetChat about patient engagement featuring Kaiser Permanente physician Ted Eytan, MD.

Dr. Eytan (@tedeytan on Twitter), physician director here at the Center for Total Health for The Permanente Federation, will join a panel of experts to talk about a patient’s role in his or her own hospital and health experience. Panelists will discuss how patients can empower themselves to remain informed and engaged in their treatment.

Expected topics include patient empowerment regarding electronic health records, having candid conversations with one’s doctor, knowing how to maximize medical appointments, and knowing what questions to ask.

The TweetChat will take place Thursday, July 25, from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern time (11 a.m. to noon Pacific). Follow the hashtag #PatientChat to participate in the conversation.


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The 7 Steps To Amazing Health

We are excited to announce that Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., the author of, “The 7 Steps To Amazing Health” will be a featured guest today for Jim Edwards from 7 Day eBook and I Gotta Tell You.  Jim will be interviewing Wendy on her book and how she came to write it. 

As soon as the interview is available we will be sure to post it here.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II



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Functional – Movement – Kettlebells – CrossFit

Here is a great interview of the owner of, CrossFit Seattle – Dave Werner.  The interview was conducted by, Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., R.K.C. of –  The interview has many references to some of the leading researchers and their findings on how important “Functional Movement” is to over all health, especially back pain.  It also covers the role that the Russian Kettlebell can play in overall health and fitness.

Here is the link to the interview:

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II



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Take A Walk On The Grass

Take A Walk On The Grass

When is the last time that you took off your shoes and yours socks and you walked barefoot on the grass.  If you’re older than twelve I’m guessing it has been quite some time.  It’s funny, when we’re kids, if we see a mud puddle we JUMP right in it.  When we become adults we walk around the mud puddle.  Not only do we walk around the mud puddle…we complain about it! 

Stop complaining.  It’s not really serving you.  Start living.  Get outside and re-connect with our planet.  This isn’t some hippy dippy statement.  We (human beings) are electrical beings.  That’s right, we are electrical beings.  Electricity is constantly flowing through our bodies.   In fact, without electricity you wouldn’t be reading this post right now.  Without electricity running through your body your brain would cease to function. 

Sometimes we need to re-charge.  We need to “ground” ourselves.  One of the ways to do this is by getting outside and walking barefoot on the grass.  While you’re walking (barefoot of course) do some deep breathing – you’ll be accomplishing two things at the same time (there is nothing like multi-tasking when it comes to your health).  Walking barefoot on the grass will “ground” you, literally.  Doing this will help you release built up electrical energy that’s in your body.

As stated above, your entire nervous system is run on electrical energy.  Get walking, ground yourself, do your deep breathing, and make some positive changes in your life.  This doesn’t cost you a dime.  What have you got to lose?

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II


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