Saturday, January 19, 2013

Healthy Aging in the New Year

At a time when most of us are digging deep to find the passion and will power that will help us make healthy changes in the new year, it is inspiring to come across a personal story like this one — someone who has made changes and continues those healthy habits (to great success) at the age of 85.

Jane Carlstrom didn’t start exercising regularly until she was 50. After more than 30 years, she actually enjoys spinning classes and weightlifting. She has found her activities support her physical health as well as her social well being. Check out Jane in action in this video.


If you are looking to become—and stay—more active in 2013, Kaiser Permanente’s Bob Sallis, MD, offers tips to help you stay on track with a walking regimen in the video below.

Here’s to a year of healthy choices and healthy changes in 2013!


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