Saturday, May 31, 2014

European tourists returning from Egypt with hepatitis A

Many European countries have reported an increase in hepatitis A cases, where travellers have been to Egypt. Many of the travellers had been to Sharm-el-Sheik or Hurghada in the south of the country.
Infection with the virus will result in a prolonged illness that affects liver function (so no alcohol for many months after infection).

The perception among travellers is that if they are staying in luxurious accommodation, particularly all-inclusive, then there is little risk. Hepatitis A is spread through poor kitchen or staff hygiene.

The disease has a very long incubation period (2-6 weeks), so vaccination can be taken on the day of travel and still be fully effective.

Source: ProMed Newsgroup

Get in touch
Unsure? Call the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323


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Eye doctors useful in detecting important medical issues

At Eye Consultants of Texas, we go farther to ensure the overall health of our patients across Dallas/Fort Worth. Here we are sharing information from a Reader’s Digest Magazine article (February 14, 2014) suggesting how your eyes can reveal certain medical issues at their earliest stages. Written by the physicians of the hit TV show, “The Doctors,” it lists five serious medical issues eye doctors can detect early. According to the article, these include:

High Blood Pressure – Several studies have found links between heart disease and narrowing of the small blood vessels in the retina, according to a paper published in the American Journal of Medicine. This can be especially true for people with traditional heart disease risk factors.

Diabetes – A small amount of bleeding in the retina can be one of the first clues a patient might have type 2 diabetes. This is a symptom of diabetic retinopathy. By detecting this early, managing diet and weight can cut the risk of blindness in half and help prevent further damage.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis affects small joints in the hands and feet. About 25% of these patients have eye issues, the most common being dry eye. People with rheumatoid arthritis have high levels of inflammatory chemicals in their blood, which can sometimes migrate to the eyeball.

Multiple Sclerosis – The inflammation of the optic nerve is called “optic neuritis.” In the article, Michael Munson, president of the American Optometric Association, says this doesn’t automatically mean a patient has MS but can be a sign of the disease.

Cancer – Specific eye issues can reveal various types of cancers, one of the most important diseases to detect early. Certain types of bleeding in the retina, and changes in a patient’s field of vision are two examples.

At Eye Consultants of Texas, your overall health is of utmost importance. While vision problems don’t necessarily mean a serious medical issue, keeping your eye health in check is as important as your annual physical!



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A Maverick’s Lonely Path in Cardiology (Essay 28)


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Increasing malaria in Greece

Malaria cases in Greece are increasing each summer, and whilst most of the cases are occurring in the more rural parts of the country away from the main tourist areas, travellers should be aware of the situation. There is not enough malaria present to warrant taking anti-malarial medication, but travellers to affected areas should sleep in air-conditioned rooms or under treated mosquito nets, and should cover up when out during the hours of dusk & darkness. An effective insect repellent should be used on exposed areas. Any fever occurring up to a year after visiting a country with malaria should be taken seriously, and medical help should be sought – don’t forget to mention that you have visited a malaria endemic country.

Source: Center for Disease Control (USA)

Get in touch
Holidaying in Europe? Make sure, take expert advice. Call the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323


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Kid Fitness — This Week on Total Health Radio

Are there children in your life who are struggling with their weight? Odds are good that there are, because in just the past 20 years, the number of obese children in the United States has tripled. It’s tough – especially in this age of computers, video games and iPads – for parents to get their kids outdoors and active. This episode of Total Health Radio explores that challenge by laying out what’s really at stake for overweight children and how we can get young people moving even in the face of 21st-century technological distractions.


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Baltimore Ophthalmologist Takes Personal Approach To LASIK Procedures

Dr. Jay C. GrochLASIK surgeon, LASIK, LASIK surgery in Baltimore, cataractsmal personally performs each aspect of his LASIK procedures from consultation to postoperative care to avoid unnecessary errors and reduce risks.

Baltimore, MDLASIK surgeon Jay C. Grochmal, MD strives to serve his patients with compassionate care and a personal touch. At Grochmal Eye Center, he personally performs all LASIK laser vision correction screenings, examinations, surgeries and post-operative care. He believes that taking a hands-on, expert approach to all aspects of patient care can ultimately decrease the risk of error and enhance the final results.

According to Dr. Grochmal, LASIK is the most popular variation of excimer laser vision correction performed at Grochmal Eye Center. By reshaping the cornea (the outer window of the eye), he says light rays are able to focus more precisely on the patient’s retina, reducing or eliminating refractive errors and common vision problems. The procedure can treat and correct a number of conditions, including:

  • Nearsightedness
  • Farsightedness
  • Astigmatism

At Grochmal Eye Center, all LASIK procedures are performed without the need for a surgical blade coming anywhere near the eye. One type of laser is used to create a corneal flap and another laser is used to reshape the cornea itself in order to better refract light, ultimately working to improve distance vision. Recent FDA studies report that 100% of 189 patients who underwent CustomVue™ refractive eye surgery reported post-operative 20/40 vision or better without contact lenses or glasses. Of those patients, 94% reported 20/20 vision, and 74% reported 20/16 vision or better.

Dr. Grochmal notes that CustomVue™ LASIK refractive eye surgery is his preferred way to perform LASIK, as this technology allows the newly reshaped cornea to be custom-tailored for each patient to such a degree that many higher orders of optical aberrations (visual distortions) are corrected. He adds that this custom-tailoring, enhanced by Wavefront™ technology that allows for a more advanced level of precision over traditional refractive eye surgery, typically results in a higher quality visual outcome.

When determining if one of his patients is a candidate for LASIK surgery, Dr. Grochmal evaluates the patient’s tear film, pupil size, corneal thickness, corneal shape, and total refractive state as well as the overall health of the patient’s eyes. Furthermore, Dr. Grochmal says he also discusses the patient’s personal expectations for the procedure to ensure that patients are informed about every step of the LASIK process – from preoperative preparation to postoperative care – and that they achieve the results they are seeking.

About Jay C. Grochmal, MD
Dr. Jay C. Grochmal serves on the staff of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center and St. Agnes Hospital and travels on medical missionary trips to Third World countries with a variety of religious organizations. He earned his medical degree from the University of Maryland and went on to complete his residency at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center’s Department of Ophthalmology where he achieved the rank of Chief Resident. In addition to laser vision correction, Dr. Grochmal treats patients affected by common eye and vision conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Dr. Grochmal is available for interview upon request.

This practice can be reached online at or


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Take A Walk On The Grass

Take A Walk On The Grass

When is the last time that you took off your shoes and yours socks and you walked barefoot on the grass.  If you’re older than twelve I’m guessing it has been quite some time.  It’s funny, when we’re kids, if we see a mud puddle we JUMP right in it.  When we become adults we walk around the mud puddle.  Not only do we walk around the mud puddle…we complain about it! 

Stop complaining.  It’s not really serving you.  Start living.  Get outside and re-connect with our planet.  This isn’t some hippy dippy statement.  We (human beings) are electrical beings.  That’s right, we are electrical beings.  Electricity is constantly flowing through our bodies.   In fact, without electricity you wouldn’t be reading this post right now.  Without electricity running through your body your brain would cease to function. 

Sometimes we need to re-charge.  We need to “ground” ourselves.  One of the ways to do this is by getting outside and walking barefoot on the grass.  While you’re walking (barefoot of course) do some deep breathing – you’ll be accomplishing two things at the same time (there is nothing like multi-tasking when it comes to your health).  Walking barefoot on the grass will “ground” you, literally.  Doing this will help you release built up electrical energy that’s in your body.

As stated above, your entire nervous system is run on electrical energy.  Get walking, ground yourself, do your deep breathing, and make some positive changes in your life.  This doesn’t cost you a dime.  What have you got to lose?

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II


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Baltimore Ophthalmologist Provides Premium IOLs That Reduce Or Eliminate Cataract Patients’ Dependency On Glasses

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For cataract patients, Dr. Jay C. Grochmal offers a variety of Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) that can help patients attain clear vision after surgery without heavy reliance on corrective eyewear.

Baltimore, MD – Dr. Jay C. Grochmal, a Baltimore ophthalmologist, provides comprehensive eye care at his private practice, with procedures including LASIK, glaucoma treatment, and cataract surgery. With traditional cataract surgery, many patients have their natural lens replaced with a monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) to help them restore clear vision once the cataract has been removed. However, after correcting for near or far distance vision, the monofocal IOL may still require the patient to wear glasses after treatment. At Grochmal Eye Center, Dr. Grochmal offers a variety of advanced, multifocal IOLs as an alternative to monocular lenses, which can significantly reduce the patient’s dependence on eyeglasses or even eliminate the need for glasses altogether. These premium IOLs include:

  • Alcon’s ReStor® multifocal IOL
  • AMO’s Tecnis® multifocal IOL
  • Alcon’s Toric IOL

While standard monocular IOL procedures are often covered by a patient’s health insurance, Dr. Grochmal says there are certain advantages that premium IOLs provide. He highlights that Alcon’s Toric IOL is very successful in correcting even high amounts of astigmatism (a common optical condition that causes blurry vision), and multifocal lenses in general are effective in significantly decreasing one’s dependence on glasses. He says many patients who receive multifocal lenses do not need to wear glasses at all after the procedure.

Grochmal Eye Center now uses the Zeiss IOL Master 500 for premium IOL procedures. The innovative technology of the Zeiss IOL Master 500 allows advanced calculations that measure the IOL power necessary to obtain optimal results for each patient. With this new technology, Dr. Grochmal is able to combine the results of the Zeiss IOL Master with his attention to surgical detail to produce distance vision improved to the point that his patients rarely require glasses afterward.

Multifocal IOLs can also be helpful for patients who do not suffer from cataracts but are looking to reduce their dependence on corrective eyewear. Patients who are not eligible for LASIK or other laser eye surgery procedures often qualify for premium IOLs, which have similar benefits. However, some patients who have already had monofocal IOL surgery may not be ideal candidates for the procedure. According to Dr. Grochmal, once a monofocal IOL is placed within the capsular bag of the eye, it is not safe to replace that IOL unless the exchange is done within a month of the initial surgery.

Dr. Grochmal stresses that multifocal IOLs are best used in healthy eyes that have no other eye diseases present, aside from cataracts.

About Jay C. Grochmal, MD

Dr. Jay C. Grochmal earned his medical degree from the University of Maryland. He completed his residency at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center’s Department of Ophthalmology where he achieved the rank of Chief Resident. In addition to serving on the staff of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center and St. Agnes Hospital, Dr. Grochmal travels on medical missionary trips to Third World countries with a variety of religious organizations. He is available for interview upon request.


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Friday, May 30, 2014

Rabies in northern Greece

Having been rabies free since 1988, (last animal case 1987, last human case 1970), rabies has re-emerged in wild & domestic animals in northern Greece during the last year. There have been reports of rabies virus in neighbouring countries.

Travellers should avoid contact with animals, particularly stray dogs, and should consider vaccination against rabies if planning to walk or camp in remote areas, particularly near national borders with other countries.

Source: Eurosurveillance

Get in touch
Holidaying in Europe? Make sure, take expert advice. Call the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323


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Top 3 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for Age-Related Macular Degeneration

As the leading cause of loss of vision in older adults, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is not completely preventable. In some cases it may be in our genes, and others it may simply have to do with whether our eyes are light or dark. These factors can make it an unavoidable, but treatable, condition.

However, recent studies have shown that AMD may be linked to a variety of other risk factors. Contributors may include the amount of antioxidants in the body, heart disease, high blood pressure, smoking, and weight. These possible factors are far more manageable than your genes or eye color, meaning you may be able to reduce your risk for developing AMD with a few simple steps.

Top 3 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for AMD

  1. Eat more polysaturated fat. An Australian study observed that people who consumed fish regularly (i.e. more than once a week) may have halved their risk of getting AMD, compared to those who ate fish less than once a month. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, another part of your diet you can increase to help reduce your risk for AMD.
  2. Reduce heart disease risk factors. Many of the things that contribute to the development of heart disease may increase your risk for AMD. Such factors may include weight, exercise, diet, and more. To better preserve your eyesight, it is recommended that you cut these risk factors out of your life and live a healthier life in the process.
  3. Limit yourself. Smoking and drinking have been linked to the development of AMD in several studies, so limiting or eliminating their use altogether may help you lower your risk. Cholesterol levels may also correlate with your risk of AMD development, so avoiding too many cholesterol-rich foods is also a good idea. The best part — all of these steps are not only good for your eye health, but your general health as well.

Macular Degeneration Treatment in Winchester

To learn more about macular degeneration and its treatments, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our offices are located in Winchester, serving Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland, and you can reach us directly at (540) 722-6200. We look forward to serving you.


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Ways Natural Supplements Regulate Appetite And Reduce Unwanted Weight

Holistic hunger supplements manipulate cravings and lower weight in all natural include plants grow performing solutions to supply optimal end results – click here. To make sure you add pounds reduction, americans more often than not select just how of diet programs in order to reduce calorie consumption. Trimming calorie consumption is recommended if a person hopes to drop some weight but an excessive amount diets are generally hazardous, you ought to take into account that body requires normal flow of several nutritional requirements to work fully. a lot of staying on your diet prevents the availability of the vitamins human body could not manufacture adequate enough energy source to create its technologies and body parts work correctly – this blog post. This disorder anyone as a substitute for setting up them skinny and in good health. However individuals natural and organic hunger controller dietary supplements to manipulate desires for food minimizing excessive fat supplements get control of food cravings to consume often or maybe in good sized number and you should not shortly after quick durations. Using this type of he or she can quite simply in addition to select the possessions involved in the meals or snacks . that is fats-totally free of charge wholesome. Natural diet pill dietary supplements handle desires for food and lower excessive fat through making interior program healthier and stronger costless tablets show gains securely clearly -unique hoodia. When digestive function and excretion is slower figure is not going to get sufficient vitamins and minerals and toxicity phase within your body increases. This will make anybody experience hunger subsequently, after small durations or guy consumes pretty big number through the course of recipes.

If your man or women has turtle-like digestion of food and betterlevels total body fails to get high fat calories and nutritional value to generate effort, if so body system calls for very much more dinner to satisfy energy resource preferences. This could cause someone hungers you can eat even when the right dinner. At the end for the day individual utilizes a lot more calories from fat than demanded transferred as unwanted weight. The plants applied to creating these dietary supplements supercharge digestive function to absorb cuisine fairly quickly and offer so many minerals and vitamins to overall body simply speaking mechanism cleans away waste materials concern from body system and additionally continues figure absolutely free. As a result of result of herbal treatments liver organ and renal job highest toxins and degree from the blood vessels get cleaned up and removed to nurture and stimulate the different bodily organs through the frame – appetite suppressant supplements. When groceries will become ingested immediately body chemistry gets to be recommended nourishment and fat laden calories at correct time and this is not going to interest unnecessary intake of food natural and organic diet pill remedies management desire for food and minimize unwanted weight absorption to assist you to any person in weight loss. By soaring level of consumption of calories by natural means, figura pills have total plants these natural and organic diet pill remedies master desire for food and lower excess fat. When entire body may get less fat laden calories thanks to impoverished toxin and food digestion increase individual goes poor on liveliness and are not able to lodge occupied in the daytime, muscles inside the system go for very much vitamin supplements aid the human body with minerals and vitamins and obvious obstructions at the much higher source of nourishment accessibility and seamless in addition to circulation of blood a result of totally free the body parts about the your muscles and the entire body get significantly greater nutrition and breathable oxygen supplies making them ultra powerful and much better and moreover advertise expansion of lean muscle mass. Individual possessing much higher muscle tissue uses up a great deal more high fat calories throughout the day even and sleeping as compared to human being with less muscle tissue. That way Figura tablets make it easier for profoundly in cutting body fat and acquire sensible overall healthiness very easily along with small amount of time.

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The 7 Steps To Amazing Health

We are excited to announce that Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., the author of, “The 7 Steps To Amazing Health” will be a featured guest today for Jim Edwards from 7 Day eBook and I Gotta Tell You.  Jim will be interviewing Wendy on her book and how she came to write it. 

As soon as the interview is available we will be sure to post it here.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II



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Eye doctors useful in detecting important medical issues

At Eye Consultants of Texas, we go farther to ensure the overall health of our patients across Dallas/Fort Worth. Here we are sharing information from a Reader’s Digest Magazine article (February 14, 2014) suggesting how your eyes can reveal certain medical issues at their earliest stages. Written by the physicians of the hit TV show, “The Doctors,” it lists five serious medical issues eye doctors can detect early. According to the article, these include:

High Blood Pressure – Several studies have found links between heart disease and narrowing of the small blood vessels in the retina, according to a paper published in the American Journal of Medicine. This can be especially true for people with traditional heart disease risk factors.

Diabetes – A small amount of bleeding in the retina can be one of the first clues a patient might have type 2 diabetes. This is a symptom of diabetic retinopathy. By detecting this early, managing diet and weight can cut the risk of blindness in half and help prevent further damage.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis affects small joints in the hands and feet. About 25% of these patients have eye issues, the most common being dry eye. People with rheumatoid arthritis have high levels of inflammatory chemicals in their blood, which can sometimes migrate to the eyeball.

Multiple Sclerosis – The inflammation of the optic nerve is called “optic neuritis.” In the article, Michael Munson, president of the American Optometric Association, says this doesn’t automatically mean a patient has MS but can be a sign of the disease.

Cancer – Specific eye issues can reveal various types of cancers, one of the most important diseases to detect early. Certain types of bleeding in the retina, and changes in a patient’s field of vision are two examples.

At Eye Consultants of Texas, your overall health is of utmost importance. While vision problems don’t necessarily mean a serious medical issue, keeping your eye health in check is as important as your annual physical!



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European tourists returning from Egypt with hepatitis A

Many European countries have reported an increase in hepatitis A cases, where travellers have been to Egypt. Many of the travellers had been to Sharm-el-Sheik or Hurghada in the south of the country.
Infection with the virus will result in a prolonged illness that affects liver function (so no alcohol for many months after infection).

The perception among travellers is that if they are staying in luxurious accommodation, particularly all-inclusive, then there is little risk. Hepatitis A is spread through poor kitchen or staff hygiene.

The disease has a very long incubation period (2-6 weeks), so vaccination can be taken on the day of travel and still be fully effective.

Source: ProMed Newsgroup

Get in touch
Unsure? Call the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323


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Special Operations Medicine Journal


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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Morphine and Ketamine in Trauma


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The Coronary Artery Entrapment


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Kitchen space cabinets uses up a vast part of the space. The two objective and usefulness of your kitchen cupboards are important to take into account – nutmeg zester. Your kitchen cabinets fashion accessories place in a completing hint with regard to the cabinetry. Picking case add-ons for cooking area tension the revolutionary glimpse with the cooking. Incorporating new drawer products to some older varieties supplies a good approach to revamp the style of the kitchen. It mandates serious amountsthink of your requirements alternatives for the cupboard components. Kitchen area extras deal with loaves of bread baskets, large towel shelves, meal rest room towels, pepper mills, cardstock bath towel dispensers and a variety of other expensive solutions. Purposeful machines, stuff and eating utensils make consistent and lovely house accents – this website. The attention-entering into sterling silver helpingsunglasses, cable whisks can become shown without ever choosing disarray. Assemble objects based on place, colouring and performance to make varies of artistic money spent from the cooking area and show off equipment with style and design. Making slight the kitchen is actually an overwhelming mission usually. Powerful mild cooking area places repeatedly use wonderful inside enhancing specialist methods which provide room in your home an false impression of added room or space. Reasonable home fully feel even bigger when coloured in gentle colors with bright white cabinetry. A good deal more, there are lots of smaller sized house finishing touches that is certainly put into guide set a little household with a sense of excellent room or space. In particular wall structure wall mirrors in humble areas means they are truly feel much bigger, helping to make wall mirrors the absolute best very little home touches. Holding wall mirrors will yield an optical illusion of applied spot and echo brightness in their full kitchen area area. Add match onto a reason for structure to provide a beautifying showcase that aesthetically broadens the place. Pick and choose vanity mirror support frames that will fit together with the beautifying organize of these cooking area for almost any fashioner check. Also include sunshine home window procedures. Simple settings atmosphere even bigger with the inclusion of more mild. When choosing windows answer to limited cooking area, pick mixtures with look and feel and light and portable, for example the lace valances. This allows the perfect way of environmentally friendly daylight to enhance the insignificant kitchen space section, which makes it feeling greater than its former sq footage. Use developed floors covers. To decorate home levels, use rugs to feature vision strains and softer effort materials together. Pick flooring covers in lighter tints and understated with sculpt-on-firm up styles in order to make the surrounding whole lot more developed. Position the carpeting and rugs on to the floor ahead of cooker things or basins to supply padded floorboards spots for cooking meals or snacks ..

Shopping on the web is improving greatly day-to-day when it helps you to save time – zester. Should you explore a store, you in all likelihood must work out for regardless of total price the original source has attached to a selected tool. Not too with web-based selecting – there is an ability to make an expense evaluation from a huge number of totally different service providers Clearly show devote a regular shop is modest, indicating which your enormous range of goods is restricted. It has to package no fee distribution, refund policy and guarantee with the pieces bought for cooking area. Your kitchen are probably the most crucial of most areas. Shopping pieces for house from this not alone make your preparing speedy as well as give enjoyable experiences. When you get started with acquiring using the internet, you will learn its very much more perks. Whenever you are shopping for using the internet for house elements that include food family table, many people and dishes other small to medium sized stuff, you will definitely get pretty much all information and facts available online. To consider your house parts that matches your home wish to have ordering using the web approach. But you need to simply spend some time for smallish examine and taking into account every has and causes even while selecting parts for kitchen area, you will definitely get clearly what you would like. There is professional quality and operational elements for home offered by varied on line vendors in Native indian. The diversity and type in household substances are practically never-ending the moment you shop for it at from the internet merchants. Also, at the time you select the elements on line for house, you will get the main advantage of looking at the a multitude of fashions, hues and suppliers. Prior to buying materials with regards to your house, you will need to keep on certain matters as their objective. Make without doubt the online world go shopping is efficient a specific. It needs to promote shipping and delivery, refund policy and guarantee inside the things invested in for kitchen area. All this assists produce your getting undertaking worthwhile – zester how to use.

The post Buy The Best Quality Kitchen Tools For Your Family On The Internet appeared first on


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The 7 Steps To Amazing Health

We are excited to announce that Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., the author of, “The 7 Steps To Amazing Health” will be a featured guest today for Jim Edwards from 7 Day eBook and I Gotta Tell You.  Jim will be interviewing Wendy on her book and how she came to write it. 

As soon as the interview is available we will be sure to post it here.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II



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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dry Eye | Triggers and Treatments

If you’re experiencing a burning or stinging sensation in your eyes, light sensitivity, eye redness, blurred vision, or any similar concerns, you may be one of the many living with dry eye syndrome.  Also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or KCS, dry eye is estimated to affect over 3.2 million Americans.  So what exactly is this condition, and how can it be treated?

Simply, dry eye occurs when there are not enough to tears to provide the right amount of moisture to your eyes.  Some people may experience dry eye because the tears they are producing are of poor quality, while others simply aren’t producing enough tears at all.  Since the eyes aren’t receiving the right amount of moisture, dryness occurs and can create a great deal of discomfort for patients.  To help further understand dry eye, explore some of the causes of this condition.

Causes of Dry Eye

There are a number of different factors that can bring dry eye about.  Let’s take a look at some of the more common causes.

  • Age. Tear production decreases as we age, leaving those over the age of 65 particularly susceptible to the symptoms of dry eye.
  • Gender. Women are more likely to develop dry eye than men, due to hormonal changes that can be brought on by anything from menopause to pregnancy.
  • Health conditions. Certain medical conditions can increase one’s risk for developing dry eye, like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and any thyroid conditions.
  • Environmental factors. Those in dry and windy climates are at a greater risk for dry eye, as are those who are exposed to smoke and anyone who doesn’t blink regularly.
  • Medications. Certain blood pressure medications, antihistamines, decongestants, and antidepressants can lead to decreased tear production, thereby causing dry eye in patients taking them.

Dry Eye Treatments

Luckily, there are treatment options available for patients living with the discomfort caused by dry eye.  Artificial tears are commonly used to treat this condition, as well as prescription eyedrops like RESTASIS®.  Use of a punctal plug is also a common treatment option, as it is a tool that prevents liquid from draining from the eye.  Contact your doctor today to find out which option will be the most effective in managing your dry eye symptoms.

Dry Eye Treatment in Winchester

If you’re suffering from dry eye, contact us today to learn about your treatment options.  Our offices are located in Winchester, serving Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland, and you can reach us directly at (540) 722-6200.  We hope to hear from you soon.


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BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers

Dr. Grochmal has again expanded his services for his patients, now, to include BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers to help soften the fine lines of maturing. He has chosen BOTOX® Cosmetic because of its proven track record and outstanding results. Where BOTOX® Cosmetic is not effective, one will have the option of having Juvederm (a dermal filler) injected to help eliminate more permanently the skin folds around the nose and mouth.

Dr. Grochmal is excited to be able to offer these treatments to complement his already extensive oculoplastic repertoire.   Please call the office for more information,  410-697-4090.


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A Maverick’s Lonely Path in Cardiology (Essay 28)


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Easiest Way To Favor Personal Injury Lawyer

you may need to deal with various models of special incidents like pet bites – personal injury boca raton, move and fall down, personal injuries brought on by an auto mishap etc .. But also in all these sorts of own accidental injuries, there exists a risk part which prolong past anyone to vendors and associations so therefore you can find desire for injury legal representatives to gauge the specific situation for culpability as well as other assertions. This is actually simply because that beyond reparation, some accidents may necessitate a great deal of medical treatment healing. Therefore it is usually recommended to accept aid of dealt with accidental injuries law firms who could take care of different accidental injury situations inside of most beneficial and useful way – slip and fall attorney boca raton. accidental injuries conditions accidental injuries lawyers can still make it easier to increase the risk for perfect plan and still provide you required tips to go forward. Traumas related to accountability of your exclusive or another festival concerned might ably managed by these types of legal representatives. He will be able to resolution your whole queries about obligation regarding a trauma – He should get to compromise the pay as your representative within the superior way which means your motivations to bother with your long run daily life community task and should make a change about the celebration triggering wrongful accident and neglectfulness that can help to defend some others from problems. Also, he can make more extensive endeavors to guard women and men demise.

It is usually the project to an injury legal professional that may help his customers take the the highest level of renumeration that focuses on for his professional medical operating costs which enables it to even trigger measures to prevent this sort of policy – boca raton injury lawyer. He appreciates adequately best ways torestoration of greenbacks for ones seriously hurt subject, due to the fact now and then the seriously injured can potentially struggle to aid his friends and family on a financial basis and will not keep day to day livingdecent legitimate education and competency to be aware what are needed to substantiate which the medical related professional handled the maintain the seriously injured based on the most economical and sufficient method. In addition to arrange express the outcome this seriously hurt to requirement for a reparation of your neglectful person as well as the man or women, business or company the reason for many of these damage so that you can whole body accident policy coverage fee based of the casualty covers up so many health costs – prior, found and potential future coupled with reputable solicitor business present support recommended to their potential clients making use of their competence to be able to protect their preferences. They will allow for permissible solutions of 2 types of legal professionals, possibly elderly for all those injuries carrying cases. workforce consists of to tell the truth useful, intelligent and expert law firms who is able to work out all sorts of accident carrying cases inside your best way to get the ideal reparation to opt for their customers.

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The 7 Steps To Amazing Health

We are excited to announce that Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., the author of, “The 7 Steps To Amazing Health” will be a featured guest today for Jim Edwards from 7 Day eBook and I Gotta Tell You.  Jim will be interviewing Wendy on her book and how she came to write it. 

As soon as the interview is available we will be sure to post it here.

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II



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Stephanie Sears – Nutritional Therapist

At Abundant Health Center, LLC we are pleased to introduce Stephanie Sears, NTP as our resident Nutritional Therapist. Here is more information on Stephanie and her work.

Stephanie Sears


As a Certified Nutritional Therapist I can help you on your path to optimum health.

I have had bad allergies my entire life. When I learned that by changing my diet and eliminating certain foods I could feel as though I never had allergies.

While researching all of the ways to cure allergies naturally, I came across many simple explanations that linked the allergic symptoms I was experiencing (and many other health issues) to the food we put into our bodies. Once I cleaned up my diet it immediately cleared up my allergy symptoms. Then many of my digestive problems also started to disappear.

On this journey I became increasingly interested in how our bodies work and how important it is to eat clean, nourishing foods. I began to realize how many people endure life feeling sick and take pills that only hide the problems. Then I found a way that I could start to help other people feel better, I found the Nutritional Therapy Association. 


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