Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Baltimore Ophthalmologist Addresses the Importance of Routine Eye Exams

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At Grochmal Eye Center, ophthalmologist Dr. Jay C. Grochmal encourages patients to attend eye exams on a regular basis for the prevention and early detection of eye diseases.

Baltimore, MD - Dr. Jay C. Grochmal, an ophthalmologist in Baltimore, advises his patients at Grochmal Eye Center to schedule a regular eye exam every one to three years, depending on the age and health of the individual. By doing so, he is able to check for a variety of visual and muscular problems that can easily go undetected and permanently damage sight.

The frequency of exams depends on the needs of each patient and any pre-existing medical conditions. He recommends patients over 40 get a complete eye exam every two years, which is especially important for those with cataracts or glaucoma. For patients with diabetes, he advises more frequent eye exams with at least one per year to monitor any changes.

According to Dr. Grochmal, eye exams can be made less frequently with younger patients, as they have a lower risk of developing severe eye problems. He points out they can get by with an appointment every three years. At approximately age six, Dr. Grochmal encourages parents to set up a baseline exam for their children. However, if there is a family history of eye muscle problems and signs are apparent in the child, an exam should be made around age three or earlier.

“The reason for regular exams goes well beyond ‘good’ vision,” Dr Grochmal explains. He identifies these exams as preventative measures for his patients. Since many medical diseases have adverse signs within the eye, and inherent eye diseases can manifest silently, not showing many, if any symptoms early on, they can be progressing unchecked, causing needless damage. To detect problems early and prevent permanent damage, Dr. Grochmal performs a thorough inspection of his patients’ eyes.

During these exams, Dr. Grochmal monitors any visual or muscular changes. Depending on the patient’s unique case and whether they have undergone vision correction procedures such as LASIK or PRK, additional tests may be needed for effective disease prevention; but generally, patients can expect the following in a complete exam:

  • Vision check with and without glasses
  • Careful exam of the orbital area including eyelids
  • Eye muscle balance evaluation
  • Magnified exam of the eye interior from the cornea to the retina
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure

With their personal touch and advanced technology, Dr. Grochmal says the physicians at Grochmal Eye Center are helping preserve and improve patient eye health one routine screening at a time. Overall, he stresses the importance of frequent eye exams with an experienced and qualified ophthalmologist.

About Jay C. Grochmal, MD

After graduating from the University of Maryland, Dr. Jay C. Grochmal interned at the U.S. Public Health Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Three years later, he was named Chief Resident at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center’s Department of Ophthalmology before completing his residency. It was at this point when Dr. Grochmal opened his private practice in ophthalmology. In addition to his eye center, he is on the staff of top Baltimore hospitals, including the Greater Baltimore Medical Center and St. Agnes Hospital. He currently is the medical director at Snowden River Surgery Center (one of the busiest ambulatory centers for eye surgery in the state). Dr. Grochmal is available for interview upon request.

Source: http://www.grochmaleye.com/uncategorized/baltimore-ophthalmologist-addresses-the-importance-of-routine-eye-exams/

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Increasing malaria in Greece

Malaria cases in Greece are increasing each summer, and whilst most of the cases are occurring in the more rural parts of the country away from the main tourist areas, travellers should be aware of the situation. There is not enough malaria present to warrant taking anti-malarial medication, but travellers to affected areas should sleep in air-conditioned rooms or under treated mosquito nets, and should cover up when out during the hours of dusk & darkness. An effective insect repellent should be used on exposed areas. Any fever occurring up to a year after visiting a country with malaria should be taken seriously, and medical help should be sought – don’t forget to mention that you have visited a malaria endemic country.

Source: Center for Disease Control (USA)

Get in touch
Holidaying in Europe? Make sure, take expert advice. Call the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323

Source: http://www.globetravelhealthcentre.com/travel-advice/increasing-malaria-in-greece.html

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The importance of pre-surgery testing

Achieving optimal eye surgery results can often come down to identifying the tiniest detail, which can mean a greater improvement in a LASIK or cataract patient’s vision. This is why Eye Consultants of Texas performs some of the most extensive patient testing in Dallas/Fort Worth, using the most advanced technology available.

Here are some examples of the type of pre-surgery tests we perform:

• To evaluate the surface and curvature of the cornea.
• To determine the power of an intraocular lens implant (IOL).
• To determine the precision of IOL measurements.
• To determine if macular degeneration is present.
• For aberrations (abnormalities) in the eye’s lens.
• Visual outcomes analysis.

There are other tests we perform, and which tests are required depends on the patient’s vision problem, health and type of surgery. Testing is individualized for each patient, and we take the time to ensure there are no other conditions that could compromise surgery results, or put our patient at risk.

The bottom line, of course, is to have the most accurate information in order to achieve the clearest vision possible. This means putting the patient’s health and wellbeing first, and going above and beyond in every way. Our pre-surgery testing is no different. To learn more please call us in Grapevine at 877-516-4364, convenient to Dallas/Fort Worth.

Source: http://www.eyectexas.com/blog/pre-surgery-testing/

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Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions about Macular Degeneration

It seems inevitable that as we get older, our vision won’t be as sharp as it used to be. What if this is vision loss is more severe, however? It may be age-related macular degeneration, a breakdown of the eye’s macula that affects about 1 in every 2,000 people in the United States. So what exactly does this condition entail?

Macular degeneration occurs when the macula, the small, sensitive, central area of the retina responsible for detailed vision, breaks down. This causes a loss in vision, which, depending on the type, can be gradual or sudden. Despite the growing prevalence of macular degeneration, many patients still aren’t sure what this condition is all about. Read on to find out the answers to some commonly-asked questions!

Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions about Macular Degeneration

  1. What are the symptoms? If you’re suffering from macular degeneration, you may experience straight lines appearing wavy, fuzzy or blurred vision, and certain areas of shadowy vision. If any of these symptoms appear, it’s important to schedule an appointment with your ophthalmologist, as early detection is the key to preventing further vision loss.
  2. Is it preventable? There is currently no way to completely prevent macular degeneration, but there are steps you can take that can potentially reduce your risk. Some researchers believe antioxidants can help, as well as exercise and avoiding smoking, as both can affect your macula.
  3. Are there different types? There are two types of macular degeneration, wet and dry. The most common type seen is the dry form, affecting about 90% of all people with this condition. Dry macular degeneration involves the buildup of yellowish deposits beneath the retina, while the wet form involves the growth of blood cells beneath the retina. These blood cells leak, causing cells in the retina to die and leading to blind spots in our central vision.
  4. Am I at risk? The main cause of macular degeneration is natural deterioration due to aging, mostly affecting those over the age of 65. It can also be genetic, and people who are obese, smokers, have high blood pressure, and have prolonged exposure to the sun are at a higher risk.
  5. What are my treatment options? While there is currently no cure for macular degeneration, there are a number of different treatment options designed to stop or slow down the process. Eye injections like Avastin and Lucentis can aid in stopping wet degeneration, and some believe in the efficacy of vitamin and mineral supplements. It’s important to consult with your doctor, as they will be able to discuss and choose the treatment options that are best for you.

Macular Degeneration Treatment in Winchester

To learn more about macular degeneration or how to manage it, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our offices are located in Winchester, serving Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland, and you can reach us directly at (540) 722-6200.  We look forward to meeting you.

Source: http://www.seeclear.com/blog/macular-degeneration/top-5-frequently-asked-questions-about-macular-degeneration

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European tourists returning from Egypt with hepatitis A

Many European countries have reported an increase in hepatitis A cases, where travellers have been to Egypt. Many of the travellers had been to Sharm-el-Sheik or Hurghada in the south of the country.
Infection with the virus will result in a prolonged illness that affects liver function (so no alcohol for many months after infection).

The perception among travellers is that if they are staying in luxurious accommodation, particularly all-inclusive, then there is little risk. Hepatitis A is spread through poor kitchen or staff hygiene.

The disease has a very long incubation period (2-6 weeks), so vaccination can be taken on the day of travel and still be fully effective.

Source: ProMed Newsgroup

Get in touch
Unsure? Call the Globe Travel Health Centre in Norwich on 01603 667323

Source: http://www.globetravelhealthcentre.com/travel-advice/european-tourists-returning-from-egypt-with-hepatitis-a.html

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US Media: Unending Frustration (Part III) (Essay 24)

Source: http://bernardlown.wordpress.com/2011/08/22/us-media-unending-frustration-part-iii-essay-24/

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Interview With Wendy Schauer – Author of The 7 Steps To Amazing Health!

Here is a link to an interview that “foodie”, health advocate, and grass fed beef rancher Lisa Wilcox recently did with author Wendy Schauer.


Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

Source: http://www.abundanthealthcenter.com/blog/interview-with-wendy-schauer-author-of-the-7-steps-to-amazing-health

ophthalmologist and optometrist ophthalmologist optometrist

Take A Walk On The Grass

Take A Walk On The Grass

When is the last time that you took off your shoes and yours socks and you walked barefoot on the grass.  If you’re older than twelve I’m guessing it has been quite some time.  It’s funny, when we’re kids, if we see a mud puddle we JUMP right in it.  When we become adults we walk around the mud puddle.  Not only do we walk around the mud puddle…we complain about it! 

Stop complaining.  It’s not really serving you.  Start living.  Get outside and re-connect with our planet.  This isn’t some hippy dippy statement.  We (human beings) are electrical beings.  That’s right, we are electrical beings.  Electricity is constantly flowing through our bodies.   In fact, without electricity you wouldn’t be reading this post right now.  Without electricity running through your body your brain would cease to function. 

Sometimes we need to re-charge.  We need to “ground” ourselves.  One of the ways to do this is by getting outside and walking barefoot on the grass.  While you’re walking (barefoot of course) do some deep breathing – you’ll be accomplishing two things at the same time (there is nothing like multi-tasking when it comes to your health).  Walking barefoot on the grass will “ground” you, literally.  Doing this will help you release built up electrical energy that’s in your body.

As stated above, your entire nervous system is run on electrical energy.  Get walking, ground yourself, do your deep breathing, and make some positive changes in your life.  This doesn’t cost you a dime.  What have you got to lose?

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

Source: http://www.abundanthealthcenter.com/blog/takeawalkonthegrass

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Successful Natural Cycle IVF helps older women become mothers

TRACY’S STORY… My Husband Andrew and I met in July 2005. Andrew told me he had fertility problem as a result of being a Cystic Fibrosis carrier. He was born with Congenital Absence of the Vas Deferens (no tubes from the testicles to the outside world). As a result our only way of having our [...]

Source: http://www.createhealthclinics.org/blog/natural-cycle-ivf/successful-natural-cycle-ivf-helps-older-women-become-mothers/

ophthalmology eye clinic

Functional – Movement – Kettlebells – CrossFit

Here is a great interview of the owner of, CrossFit Seattle – Dave Werner.  The interview was conducted by, Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., R.K.C. of – www.HappyNewYou.com.  The interview has many references to some of the leading researchers and their findings on how important “Functional Movement” is to over all health, especially back pain.  It also covers the role that the Russian Kettlebell can play in overall health and fitness.

Here is the link to the interview:


Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II


Source: http://www.abundanthealthcenter.com/blog/functional-movement-kettlebells-crossfit

opticians opthamologist eye test doctor optometry doctor of optometry

Our First Crystalens Workshop And Brunch A Huge Success

The first Eye Consultants of Texas Crystalens Workshop and Brunch was recently held June 29, 2013 at our Grapevine offices. This was open to anyone who had a Crystalens® intraocular lens (IOL) implant or is considering Crystalens. In addition, area Optometrists who managed Crystalens patients were also invited.

We are very proud that over 50 people attended who were eager to learn how to get the most out of Crystalens implants. What’s more, many of our guests requested that we do this again, and often.

Starting at 10:00 AM, guests were treated to a free brunch. This allowed people from across Dallas/Fort Worth to meet, share experiences, and discuss their common interest in Crystalens. This was followed by Eye Consultants of Texas founder, Phillips Kirk Labor, MD who discussed the importance of eye exercises and other important aspects for improving post-surgery results. Also appearing was his wife, Dr. Penny Labor, a Crystalens patient herself, who discussed her own procedure and post-surgery experiences.

Patty Turknett, one of Dr. Labor’s Crystalens patients in attendance, said of the event:

“Thanks for taking the time to explain our cataract surgery and for providing a testimony for the Crystalens. It was very informative and interesting. I’m inspired to take my glasses off during my work day. When I walked out to my car [after the event], there was a pair of reading glasses on the ground, so someone must have thrown them down! It was a great visual for me to do the same thing literally.” 

Dr. Labor is considered one of the top Crystalens surgeons due to the number of successful procedures he has performed. Crystalens is the only FDA-approved accommodative presbyopia-correcting IOL that corrects cataracts and presbyopia (the need for “readers”) – “accommodative” meaning the lens moves naturally with the eye. Extremely effective, Crystalens allows for a more complete range of vision at near, intermediate and far distances than other lenses used today. Recently, manufacturer Bausch & Lomb introduced the TRULIGN Crystalens Toric IOL, which allows for a broader range of vision while correcting astigmatism and presbyopia at the same time. We now offer TRULIGN, which is the first FDA-approved toric lens of its kind.

Look for more information coming about future Crystalens Workshop and Brunch events, as well as the new TRULIGN™ Crystalens Toric IOL. In the meantime, call our office in Grapevine at 877-516-4364 to learn more. We’re conveniently located to both Dallas and Fort Worth.


Source: http://www.eyectexas.com/blog/crystalens-workshop/

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Venous Access in Austere Settings: Part One

Source: http://adventuredoc.net/2012/12/02/venous-access-in-austere-settings-part-one/

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Avoiding Computer Vision Syndrome

We all tend to spend a lot of time staring at a computer monitor, whether it’s for school, work, or leisure. We stare at the screen for hours almost every day, which can cause our eyes to inevitably feel strained or dry. The eye problems caused by computer use are categorized together into one condition known as computer vision syndrome (CVS), which affects over 50-90% of office workers.

CVS is a repetitive stress injury, meaning it is caused and worsened by routine motions over time. Some of its symptoms include blurred vision, dryness, redness, double vision, eye irritation, headaches, and neck or back pain. People who already suffer from other eye conditions are more likely to develop CVS, especially if they are not using a proper eye prescription. Many other factors contribute to the development of CVS, such as age and the computer itself—the brightness, angle of the monitor, position in relation to you, etc.

Let’s keep reading to see how we can prevent CVS.

5 Ways to Avoid Computer Vision Syndrome

  1. Reposition the computer. The screen should be facing you, not off to the side where you have to strain your eyes more to see it. The monitor should be between 4-8 inches under your eyes to keep the neck relaxed, and should be kept an arms length away from you.
  2. Blink. Blinking frequently should help you reduce dryness in your eyes. Another option for increasing moisture is the use of lubricating eye drops or a humidifier. Steer away from air vents, as those can help to further dry out the eye.
  3. Lighting. The lighting might be hurting your eyes as well. To check whether it is playing a part in your eye strain, cup your hands over your eyes like the cap of a baseball hat and observe whether your eyes feel better or not. If they do, you know you have to adjust the lighting to something more comfortable.
  4. Breaks. About every 15 minute while on the computer, you should take a small break and look anywhere but the screen. You can stand, stretch, or just stay in your seat looking away to give your eyes a good break.
  5. Regular check-ups. You may need a new or different prescription without even knowing it. Although you should get regular eye doctor visits anyway, your medical professional can help you prevent and treat CVS and many other harmful eye conditions.

Ophthalmologist in Winchester

Have any questions about computer vision syndrome or any other eye problems? Contact us today to schedule an appointment at our offices in Winchester. We serve Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland, and can be reached at (540) 722-6200. We look forward to serving you!

Source: http://www.seeclear.com/blog/eye-heath/avoiding-computer-vision-syndrome

how to be an optometrist the optometrist

Take A Walk On The Grass

Take A Walk On The Grass

When is the last time that you took off your shoes and yours socks and you walked barefoot on the grass.  If you’re older than twelve I’m guessing it has been quite some time.  It’s funny, when we’re kids, if we see a mud puddle we JUMP right in it.  When we become adults we walk around the mud puddle.  Not only do we walk around the mud puddle…we complain about it! 

Stop complaining.  It’s not really serving you.  Start living.  Get outside and re-connect with our planet.  This isn’t some hippy dippy statement.  We (human beings) are electrical beings.  That’s right, we are electrical beings.  Electricity is constantly flowing through our bodies.   In fact, without electricity you wouldn’t be reading this post right now.  Without electricity running through your body your brain would cease to function. 

Sometimes we need to re-charge.  We need to “ground” ourselves.  One of the ways to do this is by getting outside and walking barefoot on the grass.  While you’re walking (barefoot of course) do some deep breathing – you’ll be accomplishing two things at the same time (there is nothing like multi-tasking when it comes to your health).  Walking barefoot on the grass will “ground” you, literally.  Doing this will help you release built up electrical energy that’s in your body.

As stated above, your entire nervous system is run on electrical energy.  Get walking, ground yourself, do your deep breathing, and make some positive changes in your life.  This doesn’t cost you a dime.  What have you got to lose?

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II

Source: http://www.abundanthealthcenter.com/blog/takeawalkonthegrass

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Black Blood Must Not Contaminate White Folks (Essay 25)

Source: http://bernardlown.wordpress.com/2011/09/03/black-blood-must-not-contaminate-white-folks/

eye optometrist optometrist eye

The Indignities of Pregnancy: Total Health Radio Has the Scoop.

If you are pregnant, or if you know someone who is, you’ll want to listen to this week’s episode of Total Health Radio.  It’s called The Truth About Pregnancy, and it goes beyond the facts that are well-covered on the Internet and dives into the topics no one wants to talk about.  That question you’re too embarrassed to ask even your own OB/GYN?  They ask it on this episode.  Have a listen.

For bonus content — exclusive outtakes from the show and resources for expectant moms — visit the website here.

Source: http://centerfortotalhealth.org/the-indignities-of-pregnancy-total-health-radio-has-the-scoop/

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers

Dr. Grochmal has again expanded his services for his patients, now, to include BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers to help soften the fine lines of maturing. He has chosen BOTOX® Cosmetic because of its proven track record and outstanding results. Where BOTOX® Cosmetic is not effective, one will have the option of having Juvederm (a dermal filler) injected to help eliminate more permanently the skin folds around the nose and mouth.

Dr. Grochmal is excited to be able to offer these treatments to complement his already extensive oculoplastic repertoire.   Please call the office for more information,  410-697-4090.

Source: http://www.grochmaleye.com/oculoplastic/botox-and-dermal-fillers/

ophthalmologist or optometrist optometrist ophthalmologist

The Advantages Of Supreme Greens

Supreme Greens spokesmodel, Carmen Palumbo explains the benefits of Supreme Greens.


Source: http://www.abundanthealthcenter.com/blog/the-advantages-of-supreme-greens

eye exam optician optometrist optometrist optician opticians opthamologist

US Media: Unending Frustration (Part III) (Essay 24)

Source: http://bernardlown.wordpress.com/2011/08/22/us-media-unending-frustration-part-iii-essay-24/

optometrist education optometrist pay

Eating your way to help reduce the risk of cataracts

From an early age, we’re told that carrots are good for our eyes. It’s no surprise that research has suggested a connection between nutrition and prevention of cataracts. Not only do we encourage a healthy diet for our Dallas/Fort Worth eye care patients, we may make nutritional recommendations as part of a patient’s treatment plan.

According to an allaboutvision article, several studies have been conducted revealing that diet may help reduce cataract risk. Below are highlights from the article:

• Carbohydrates: Researchers in Australia found that high carbohydrate diets may increase cataract risk. Published in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2010.

• Vitamins & Minerals: A large study of adult women found that eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals may help delay cataract development (published in the Archives of Ophthalmology, 2010). Another study suggests that lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin E from food and supplements “were associated with significantly decreased risk of cataract.” Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in green leafy vegetables and other foods, such as eggs.

• Antioxidants: A 10-year study of 2,400 older adults, also conducted in Australia, found that a combined intake of multiple antioxidants reduced the risk of cataracts. Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008.

Today, most doctors and experts agree, nutrition that benefits health including eye care, should come from a healthy diet. While supplements can help balance a diet lacking in nutrients, which is common for most Americans, consult with your doctor first to help you choose what’s right for you.

Source: http://www.eyectexas.com/blog/eating-cataracts/

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Venous Access in Austere Settings: Part One

Source: http://adventuredoc.net/2012/12/02/venous-access-in-austere-settings-part-one/

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Flu Season 2013

*DISCLAIMER*  The information presented in this blog post is not meant to be construed as having been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.), the Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C.) or any other government entity in existence.  Nothing written in this post is meant to be intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.  If you are experiening a medical emergency please call 911.  As always, please check with your medical provider or health care advisor before starting any diet, supplementation, or exercise regimine.

FLU SEASON 2013 – Nation Hit Hard By Influenza – Major Flu Outbreak Grips Nation

Every year, just after Thanksgiving to just before Valentine’s Day we are constantly bombarded with the above mentioned headlines. Every year we see news reports about shortages of the flu vaccine and we are told that this will be the worst year yet for people being susceptible to Influenza.

Let’s take a moment to logically examine how these headlines are repeated year after year.  What happens at the end of November?  Thanksgiving.  What do we do at Thanksgiving?  Well, if you’re like most people you have two (maybe even three) Thanksgiving dinners that you have to celebrate.  Usually you and your spouse go spend time with your family. Then the next day you spend a few hours driving across the state to go celebrate Thanksgiving with your spouses family. Sometimes you spend an extra Thanksgiving with close friends.  We all know what happens at Thanksgiving…we eat, eat, eat…loosen a notch on our belts, take a breather and go back to the kitchen to eat more.  Then we sit down to have an adult beverage or two (or three) while we watch sports with friends and loved ones.

After Thanksgiving we are still gorging on leftovers for two to three days.  Then the Christmas parties start.  Cookies, cakes, rum balls, sugar, sugar, and more sugar.  Plus, the two (or three) adult beverages just to be sociable.

Finally Christmas arrives.  This includes more food, more desserts, and more drinks. Usually you have two Christmases to attend (just like Thanksgiving).  At Christmas it seems that you encounter the cousin (and his wife) that you can’t stand (by the way, they don’t care too much for you either).  Then Grandma thinks that Uncle Joe is being hard on Billy. Uncle Joe wants Billy to be more like his sister Julie.  The stress builds up and to deal with the stress you eat more (because sometimes you’re an emotional eater) and you drink a little bit more (hey, it helps calm your nerves).

To reward yourself you decide to have a New Years Eve blowout extravaganza.  More food, more snacks, and A LOT more drinks.  You’ve already scheduled yourself off for January 2nd as January 1st happened during the middle of the week and you know that you’re going to be a little too exhausted to make it into work.  January 2nd you get yourself going with a couple of Bloody Mary’s (a little ‘hair of the dog’ never hurt anyone).  You start looking over your New Years Resolutions and you’re ready to conquer the world on January 3rd.  You’re on track with your resolutions for one week and then BOOM!!!  You’ve got The Flu!!!

You curse the flu.  How could this happen to me?  Why did this happen to me?!?  You’re sick, tired, and mad.  Darn you flu!

Whoa, wait a minute.  It’s not the flu’s fault.  It’s your fault.  Look at what you did to your body for the last 6 weeks. You’ve abused it.  You ate too much sugar, drank too much alcohol, been stressed out of your mind and then you ate even more.  It’s been shown that sugar, alcohol, and stress all lower the defenses of your immune system and make your body more susceptible to illness.

Your “inner terrain” was compromised.  Germs, “bugs”, and viruses are around us everyday.  It’s when our bodies become toxic and polluted from the overload of cookies, cakes, beer, wine, and mixed drinks that our immune system can’t work at optimal potential.

Let me be clear, I’m not telling you to not get a flu shot.  I am suggesting that you examine your dietary choices and how you handle stress.  I do believe that you can offer your body supplements that can help support your immune system.  One of those products is A.D.P.


A.D.P. is a standardized extract of the oil of oregano, emulsified in a sustained release form.  My wife, Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., is a Doctor of Chiropractic, and she comes in contact with many patients during the Winter who are suffering from severe colds and flu.  She takes her A.D.P. to boost her immune system and she never “catches” the cold or flu from her patients.  (A.D.P. Is NOT recommended for pregnant or lactating women.)

I know that might sound like a little bit of “hype” to you.  I apologize if it does.  Here is an unsolicited testimonial from one of our clients, “CouchSurfing” Ori Bengal.

"CouchSurfing" Ori Bengal - Creator of 'Make WordPress Easy'

“CouchSurfing” Ori Bengal – Creator of ‘Make WordPress Easy’

“I have seen A.D.P. bring people back from the verge of turning into a full blown “flu zombie”. A.D.P. is the secret weapon that I use for myself, my family, and my friends to fend off against colds, the flu, and even the dreaded “airplane flu”. When I travel I don’t have time to get sick, that’s why I always carry A.D.P. in my luggage.”

Please remember during this time of year to take the extra time to be aware of your diet and stress.  You can only do good for your body by reducing the amount of sugar and alcohol that you put into your body.  For more information on “cleaning your inner terrain” and naturally boosting your immune system I suggest following the work of, Dr. Robert O. Young.  Here are links to two of his best selling books, “Sick and Tired” and “The PH Miracle”.

Sick and Tired

The PH Miracle

Here’s wishing you and yours all the best for a healthy 2013!

G.E. Moon II

Source: http://www.abundanthealthcenter.com/blog/flu-season-2013

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Baltimore Ophthalmologist Provides Premium IOLs That Reduce Or Eliminate Cataract Patients’ Dependency On Glasses

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For cataract patients, Dr. Jay C. Grochmal offers a variety of Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) that can help patients attain clear vision after surgery without heavy reliance on corrective eyewear.

Baltimore, MD – Dr. Jay C. Grochmal, a Baltimore ophthalmologist, provides comprehensive eye care at his private practice, with procedures including LASIK, glaucoma treatment, and cataract surgery. With traditional cataract surgery, many patients have their natural lens replaced with a monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) to help them restore clear vision once the cataract has been removed. However, after correcting for near or far distance vision, the monofocal IOL may still require the patient to wear glasses after treatment. At Grochmal Eye Center, Dr. Grochmal offers a variety of advanced, multifocal IOLs as an alternative to monocular lenses, which can significantly reduce the patient’s dependence on eyeglasses or even eliminate the need for glasses altogether. These premium IOLs include:

  • Alcon’s ReStor® multifocal IOL
  • AMO’s Tecnis® multifocal IOL
  • Alcon’s Toric IOL

While standard monocular IOL procedures are often covered by a patient’s health insurance, Dr. Grochmal says there are certain advantages that premium IOLs provide. He highlights that Alcon’s Toric IOL is very successful in correcting even high amounts of astigmatism (a common optical condition that causes blurry vision), and multifocal lenses in general are effective in significantly decreasing one’s dependence on glasses. He says many patients who receive multifocal lenses do not need to wear glasses at all after the procedure.

Grochmal Eye Center now uses the Zeiss IOL Master 500 for premium IOL procedures. The innovative technology of the Zeiss IOL Master 500 allows advanced calculations that measure the IOL power necessary to obtain optimal results for each patient. With this new technology, Dr. Grochmal is able to combine the results of the Zeiss IOL Master with his attention to surgical detail to produce distance vision improved to the point that his patients rarely require glasses afterward.

Multifocal IOLs can also be helpful for patients who do not suffer from cataracts but are looking to reduce their dependence on corrective eyewear. Patients who are not eligible for LASIK or other laser eye surgery procedures often qualify for premium IOLs, which have similar benefits. However, some patients who have already had monofocal IOL surgery may not be ideal candidates for the procedure. According to Dr. Grochmal, once a monofocal IOL is placed within the capsular bag of the eye, it is not safe to replace that IOL unless the exchange is done within a month of the initial surgery.

Dr. Grochmal stresses that multifocal IOLs are best used in healthy eyes that have no other eye diseases present, aside from cataracts.

About Jay C. Grochmal, MD

Dr. Jay C. Grochmal earned his medical degree from the University of Maryland. He completed his residency at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center’s Department of Ophthalmology where he achieved the rank of Chief Resident. In addition to serving on the staff of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center and St. Agnes Hospital, Dr. Grochmal travels on medical missionary trips to Third World countries with a variety of religious organizations. He is available for interview upon request.

Source: http://www.grochmaleye.com/blog/baltimore-ophthalmologist-provides-premium-iols-that-reduce-or-eliminate-cataract-patients-dependency-on-glasses/

eye exam optician optometrist

Stephanie Sears – Nutritional Therapist

At Abundant Health Center, LLC we are pleased to introduce Stephanie Sears, NTP as our resident Nutritional Therapist. Here is more information on Stephanie and her work.

Stephanie Sears


As a Certified Nutritional Therapist I can help you on your path to optimum health.

I have had bad allergies my entire life. When I learned that by changing my diet and eliminating certain foods I could feel as though I never had allergies.

While researching all of the ways to cure allergies naturally, I came across many simple explanations that linked the allergic symptoms I was experiencing (and many other health issues) to the food we put into our bodies. Once I cleaned up my diet it immediately cleared up my allergy symptoms. Then many of my digestive problems also started to disappear.

On this journey I became increasingly interested in how our bodies work and how important it is to eat clean, nourishing foods. I began to realize how many people endure life feeling sick and take pills that only hide the problems. Then I found a way that I could start to help other people feel better, I found the Nutritional Therapy Association.


Source: http://www.abundanthealthcenter.com/blog/stephanie-sears-nutritional-therapist

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